Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Carnaval 2012

Carnaval time!

The theme for the year at Lili's school is 'Get out in your neighborhood. Do things for your neighborhood." (It sounds better in Catalan - Mou-te al barri. Mou-te pel barri.) Thus, the suggested costume choice for carnaval was People in the Neighborhood.

Lili was a pastry chef.

We had ordered a super cute pink polka-dot hat and apron...but 2 days before carnaval, the company sent me an email saying they were out of stock and waiting for it to come. A shame since we were going to make Lil into a super sweet pinkalicious pastry lady. Alas, we came up with this at the last minute and were still pleased.

And as ever, her class participated in the neighborhood carnaval parade :)

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