Oh, urban family. You are missed. I hardly got to see you and failed to see other key friends.
In any case, I did manage to go dancing twice at Bar Chicago, which in all likelihood, is the worst bar in Chicago. But....the music was good and Jay Majetich was game. I don't think Jay knew he liked dancing before, so I'm glad he now knows. A big thanks to him for going out with me (twice!) and staying 'til 5 in the am, even though it was he who took the bull by the horns the first time and hailed that cab. I will never forget that midget on the bar, even though it did take us two days to remember that he was there in the first place.
Bacchanalia aside, I had a great time in Palmer Hall eating this breakfast that I made (because I obviously can't do that back in Barca). In all truth it was lovely to sit around for three hours eating breakfast as different people stopped by and joined us at the table.
Look at that classic Taylor pose.
There was also a BBQ at PH, but the only people who turned up were Colin, Jay, Brian and I....and then Colin had to leave at 9 for the Late Ride. Chris Martin and Co did turn up with about 10 people at one point, but after 5 minutes, they got back in their cars, leaving us a 24-pack of beer. Weird. Here's a picture of Brian because there's just not enough pictures of him on the Internet.

Also sat out with Janice all day on a Sunday trying to sell her possessions before she moved to California. Dave Lam joined us (who, by the way has subsequently moved back to the UK and will be visiting us in BCN soon) and together we BBQed (or at least I did, and poorly) recovered from hangovers, and sold nothing. We never did figure out why, but every person we spoke to hated us, responding with witless insults. One lady, a real garage-saler came by looking for electronics, was dismayed by the single boom box for sale, and left muttering, 'Well, there's a moving sale around here somewhere and I'm a-gonna find it.'