Take for instance her fearlessness when it comes to dogs. No matter how giant the beast, when Lily spots it from 100 feet away, she begins woofing like a high-pitched poodle and moving toward the thing. We must then go accost the owner, make them stop their walk and let Lily commune with the dog, which means letting her woof at it and pet or pinch it. Dogs don't seem to mind.
Tonight she started exploring the world of swimming, which only further impresses me. We were in the bath together and it was quite deep. She slipped and went right under at one point, only to stand up and shake it off. I'd like to think my not freaking out about her falls helps her to not be bothered by them, but in this case, it was all Lily. Her slip under the water got her interested and from there she kept experimenting with ways to slip or float on her belly or back. This experimentation led to a few other dips under, but she just blinked out the water from her eyes and kept trying it out. What a cool kid.
your lily and your expressions really make me want to have a child :P.
that alley shot is oh-so-very Oliver Twist, street urchin Dickensian. . .please please print and frame that.
And Oli, the windows are open right now, jackass! Because I'm prepping the meal for tomorrow. . .bring an appetite.
damn. i thought for sure i had already commented on this post. i guess it was only in my head.
i love all the photos here, especially the one of her peering out the door (is that the whale stool? yea!) and the alley pic is great. i agree with colin.
what you are describing are all great qualities, to be sure. it's so fantastic when you realize that not only do you love your kid, you really like her as well.
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