Oli's dad rented the Masonic Hall for the party and his mum organized the cooking and transport of food and amenities for the guests. There was indoor jungle gym equipment and crash mats, Oli in a bear costume, and a bear hunt.
The party people who brought the equipment were a couple and they played with the kids on the equipment for the first hour of the party, which was great because I actually got to speak to the guests. This was also possible because Lisa handled all the food and beverages. Also helpful was the fantastic mood Lily was in all day. She's been a lot more relaxed and playful with other kids and adults lately and it showed in the good time she had at the party.

Young people without children. Very good sports.

We led the kids on a bear hunt using the equipment to recreate obstacles from the book We're Going on a Bear Hunt. At the end we draped a parachute over some ladders to make a cave where Oli hid in the bear costume. The kids were pretty thrilled with him, although there were two shock cases. After playing with the kids a few minutes, he led them out to another room where we had piled loads of teddy bears that Oli's mum had found on super offer at the supermarket.

I liked this party because it was fun planning it and working with Oli's family to make it happen. It was nice to have a party centered around a fun silly thing to do with your kid, friends and family. Lily seemed to love every moment of the party, from decorating the cake with Lisa, to helping us putting up decorations, to climbing on the equipment with her cousin and little friends, to giving everyone their party gifts as they left. Yeah.

Side note: Lately Lily shows everyone, including all kind-looking strangers on the street, her wounds. Before bedtime two nights in a row she walked Lisa through her roadmap of boo-boos. Here she is showing her cousin Baby Sam.

Lily and Hannah dancing in their dance class.

Also had a nice time seeing friends in Godalming. Thanks to James for cooking us a lovely meal, and to Cammie and Ben and Caroline for having us 'round, and to Verena, thanks for that midday, pre-flight beer.
The VW camper is ready to go. The plan is for us to fly to the UK at the beginning of Holy Week, which we have off work, and to then drive back to Spain in the VW, likely through France. More on this later.
Now comes to a close the Lily's-third-birthday-chapter of our lives.
What do you mean by "shock cases" exactly?
Sometimes Oli in a suit shocks me too.
Ho ho.
I see Matthew beat me to it, but I was also going to comment on the interesting choice of words used to describe a reaction that I imagine involved screaming in terror. Am I correct? If so, shock cases is a gentle euphemism indeed.
The party looks fantastic. Isn't it great when you (or your loved ones) do so much work and the children actually enjoy it??? Wonderful.
Can't wait to hear about your French roadtrip in the VW.
Thank you, Seeley clan, for a wonderful party. Glad to hear that you guys enjoyed it too and were not to stressed out by organisational concerns.
I vicariously enjoyed the baby gym and Aldous enjoyed it un-vicariously.
And I pissed myself laughing at the 'Aldous and bear incident'.
I am probably a bad mother.
wow sounds like you guys have such a beautiful life together.. :)
Kids seem to be having so much fun here at the party. Including games in kid’s party is a great way of keeping kids busy and they will have lots of fun too. But to do that you need to ensure that the location you hire should be spacious. So, can you please suggest me few good event locations with great deals.
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