Four girls from Boston who have just graduated will rent our flat in July and August while they work on their Spanish here. Oli will spend July renting a room elsewhere in the city while he works a teaching job with a great schedule (10:00-1:30 M-F) and takes a Spanish course. Then he'll rendezvous with Lil and I in England for August.
Yesterday our friends Leeann and Violet stopped in. We hadn't seen them for a while since they've been moving and setting up a new house, so we wanted to get a visit in before we took off next week.
Violet and Lily were on top form:
It's notably summer now and has been hot, humid and still the last few days. Schools are letting out, everyone's going on holiday, tourists abound. Lily had her last day at nursery today and we received her class photo:
We didn't know we were getting this (or that it cost €10) so it was a great surprise when we saw it, although it would have been nice to know the day they took the photos since I'd have cut Lily's bangs. Esquitxos is the name of Lily's class. It means 'sprays' or 'sprinkles' in Catalan. This goes along with the Xip Xap theme, which means 'splish splash'. Hence the school mascot being a sun wearing rain gear.
Otherwise, just waiting around.
Lily looks like she wants to take my milk money in that picture.
I thought xip xap meant sheep shop. Or is that just the pronunciation? I need to be clear on this if I'm going to introduce it as a new phrase in Morton.
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