I've been trying to find someone to do an intercambio with but nothing was turning up. I wanted an international student who could read essays and things I write in Spanish and correct them in return for me doing the same for them.
(I am a dork and read Hoy - one of the Spanish newspapers in Chicago - each day on the way to work. About 3 times a week I pick an article, study it and write a summary in Spanish.)
The search was going poorly when I had a stroke of genius. It was so easy to find an intercambio in Barcelona, why not put a post on Loquo, the CraigsList of Spain? I posted looking for an email intercambio and I now have 6 new Barcelona buddies.
One is an IT specialist, three are students, one is an old man and one is trying to be an interpreter for the UN but currently working as a receptionist for Telefonica...
I'm sure some of them will not stick, as is the trend with intercambios, but a couple seem very promising. So after months of nothing, I am now swimming in intercambios. If anyone wants one, I'll sell cheap.